Layering Techniques for Paper Crafters, Part 3

Happy Friday, y’all! Scraps, here, with part 3 of the fabulous Layering Techniques video series by Alchemist Amy!

In  case you missed them: part one is here, part two is here.

In this final part we get to see how Amy arranges her embellishments, adds items that will lead the eye where she wants it to go (very important when you’ve got a lot of elements in play!) and ponders the ever present question: Does it need just one more thing?

I love it when a page comes together! And this series was like looking over Amy’s shoulder throughout the whole process.

Awesome work, Amy, on the layout and the videos! And is anyone else itching to get their hands on that Moshi Moshi kit–it can’t be just me!

Until next time!


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