Gauche Alchemy pub toots!!

Good day crafty people!
Michelle here with a quick pub TOOOOT! for Gauche Alchemy Mama Christina
and former Gauche Alchemy Design Team Member Wendy Morris.


Chrissy’s GORGEOUS jean pocket minibook is now on view at your local newsstand or book store! It’s been published in Scrapbook Trends Create: Mini Albums along with two mini book projects by Wendy.

Here are a couple of quick Instagram shots I took- I don’t want to preview the entire magazine layout because I want to give you an incentive to go check the magazine out! (Well, you should, you know – cuz the book is full of inspiration, but here’s a secret: Chrissy originally made this album for US here at GA… and the original post revealing it is HERE.)

Oh you want a tease? Let’ just say Chrissy’s book got 4 full pages all to itself. It’s THAT awesome!!!!

This is what the cover looks like. There is so much scrappy inspiration inside those covers!!!!

Sorry my hand is all up in there. I bought this at Joann's and tore into it while drinking my tea- a perfect way to spend a crafty evening if you ask me!

Oh my goodness! Look how they photographed Chrissy’s book!!! LOOOOOVE!!!!

Congrats to Chrissy and Wendy! You guys are both huge inspirations and those minis are totally mind blowing!

Chells OUT!

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