Not too busy for a little blog candy!

Would you believe I was working on several posts last week, and they never got scheduled? They are still in an unfinished state, but believe me, they are coming!

Not only that, I still haven’t found the time to choose our “average scrapper.” I’m not slackin’ – just a busy, busy woman lately. That’s what having a day job gets ya. (That’s my sneaky little plan to get you to order more – telling you how much more efficient we could be if one of us could dump the day job. Not very sophisticated, I know, but then neither are we.)

Here’s a little something for you to chew on while waiting for me to get my shit together. How about a giveaway?

This giveaway is inspired by this post on Julie’s fantastic Copy & Paste blog. The post, in turn, was inspired by Shimelle’s Month of Color. Now, that’s a buttload of inspiration there.

But first, a little inspiration from The Beatles… and Mr. Fabulous. Can’t forget Mr. Fabulous. If you have 2 and a half minutes, gotta see this. Not to be missed. In fact, it you don’t have 2.5 minutes, make time.

Okay, so here’s the deal. I think calling our color kits “yellow color kit” and “green color kit” is remarkably boring and not at all gauche. Make a comment below telling us what you think the yellow color kit should be called.

For instance, I thought “condom yellow” might be a little TOO gauche… but “lemon tart” seemed a little too oblique… you know, “tart” as in a luscious lady. The winner of a yellow kit will be drawn at random… and if we like your suggestion, you’ll see it in living color on our ArtFire shop! (Whee! Hi mom!)

You want some of this, don’cha?

Oops, almost forgot to tell ya. Stay tuned – I’ll be releasing a new kit soon. I’ve got them packaged and photographed, just need to list them. When I can get my sorry, sore, busy butt in gear. Or at least put the gearshift in the right position. So, I’m… uhhh… pointed the right way.

And don’t forget – we’ll be releasing our July kit within the next few weeks. We have a special handmade treat for these kits – and wait ’til you see them! Just remember, they look better in real life. (Photos don’t ever do anything real justice, do they?)

40 Responses

  1. haha..this is fun! Here’s a few
    1. Bananas Mananas
    2. Yelkerdoos! <– not sure how this came about..
    3. Yellow Yellow Dirty Fellow
    4. Sparkle Power!

  2. Oooh how about “lemon meringue pie”

  3. Pus explosion! AHAHAHA! Sorry, sorry – just popped in the head and had to come out. Popped…geddit! Haha!

    Um.. *deep breathes – not good to laugh at self*

    Crazy Custard Crop
    Daffodil Delights
    Yellow Haze
    Sherbet Lemons
    (Am I forgiven for the first one yet?)

  4. I’m just mad about Saffron

    (Yes, it’s a musically inspired name, but you brought up the beetles first LOL)

  5. she wore lemon

    (yeah, another music inspired name but i’m obsessed with u2 😀 )

  6. A lil’ bit of sunshine

  7. Carmen – hahaha! That’s so funny. I love it, but I have a feeling it would scare potential buyers away. 😉

    Lara – I like the music-inspired stuff, too.

    Merdrey – I think you’re on the right track with Yellow Yellow Dirty Fellow.

  8. I love the idea of the color kits having their own gauche-esque names! Let’s see…

    I say stick with the Beatles and call it “Yellow Submarine” lol.


    Meringue Ylang
    The Pollinator
    Lemonade Acid Test
    Banana Hammock (okay, that one was a joke. lol)
    Yellow Fever (that’s right, not just a dangerous disease anymore!)

    Alright, I think that’s about as clever as I can be on a Monday. 😛

  9. My first thought when I saw the yellow goodies was Canary. So my title would be Canaries Jubilee.
    I LOVE this site!!!!! ms.cheryl

  10. I’m with Heather and the ‘lil bit of sunshine’ … but who am I to sway the judging?? lol

    and … condom yellow Mrs. Wing???? You are very bad!!! And yet very good at the same time! 🙂

  11. Top Banana! (That’s what my friend always says, it might be a bit regional, tho, lol!)

    Yellow Peril

    Sunny Side Up

    Yello! (thanks to Homer for that one!)

    Cowardly Custard

    Mellow Yellow

    School Bus

    Okay, that’s enough. The word Yellow starts to look really WEIRD if you look at it too much!

  12. All that yellow in one place!
    Glorious Sunshine.

  13. Lusciously Lemon Lot

    Its to rich to be
    Lemon Meriange
    Banana Boat
    So my bid is in for
    Lusciously Lemon Lot

    Love some of those names!!

  14. Ducky Lemonade

    Lemon Drop Pop

    Honey Bunny Ducky (too cute?)

  15. I don’t see lemon, I see butter…

    Buttercup Bonanza

    Hot Buttered Popcorn

    Sunshine Sprinkles

  16. Love Merdrey’s DIRTY FELLOW pmsl…..still!!!!

    How’s about
    Cowardly {something} haha only one coffee so far today
    something to do with being Jaundiced…..Sicky Sicky blah blah (something my Mum used to say)

    I know, so NOT sunshine and sprinkles

  17. Rubber ducky
    Lemon Citrus
    Mello yello

  18. I’m getting a bit of entertainment today 🙂

    How bout

    push pineapple

    (sing with me….
    Ag-a-doo doo doo, push pineapple, shake a tree!)

  19. Another… Sunflower

  20. “Luscious Lemon” is the first thing that popped into my head.

  21. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one obsessed with duckies around here 😀

  22. Lemon Drop

    Sailor Slicker (you know…those yellow raincoats…LOL)

    Banana Pop

  23. One more Beatles reference (sort of)

    Mother’s Little Helper

  24. Gorgeous shades … Any of these appeal?
    Yellows on Acid
    Zing with a Swing
    Sunburst Candy
    Lemon Punch

  25. How’s about:

    Cornbread Puddin’
    Creamed Corn (I seem to be on a corn kick)
    Succotash (again with the corn)
    Old Yeller
    Yellow Snow
    Golden Glow
    Marigold Madness

    Can’t wait to see what you end up with.

  26. Ok, so a play on an OLD song:
    It’s all sunshine…til it’s gone IAin’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone)

    This may be a ridiculously long suggestion, but I’m amused anyway.

    Curious George
    Bananas Sans Pajamas
    Sunny Spice
    Golden Oddities

    Man, this is almost as addicting as FARMTOWN LOL!

  27. My first thought was Yellow Fever.

    Some others are:

    Lemon Curd
    Butter Cake
    Lemon Meringue
    Lemon Pudding
    A Taste of Yellow
    Yellow Rose of Texas
    Caution Tape

  28. What gorgeousness! I would call it ” Lucid Lemon Twist”.

  29. Ohhhh, there are lots of great name suggestions! I like Kathie’s Lusious Lemon Lot.

    Or how about:
    Waves of Lovely Lemonade
    Sunshine Yellow Loveliness
    Zesty Lemon-y Goodness
    or A Bright Sunshiny Day

  30. Sunny Side Up
    Boatload of yella
    Bagful of Sunshine

  31. Tie a Yellow Ribbon
    Curried Creation
    Meringue Mountain
    Mellow Yellow

    😀 😀 This gets addictive trying to think of names 😉

  32. How about ‘citric acid lemon’

  33. I thought of another one….

    “say YES to yellow!”

  34. Banana Slide is my ride, no skin off my hide, I sometimes like to rhyme- Banana Slide. Happy happies.

  35. “Just Ducky”
    “Sunflower Fields”
    “canola crop”
    “let your fingers do the walking”
    “Bumblebee’s Belly”

  36. How about
    Sunshine lollipop

  37. guysl rock the names!!!

  38. Canary Custard.

    Both words which make me think of yellows. And which make me smile, especially when together!

  39. How about Cadmium Orbs Collection. I had been coloring with a copic marker that is called Cadmium Yellow when it came to me. lol

  40. English isn’t my first language, and I’m always having trouble finding the right title, so this question isn’t easy for me. However, that picture of the yellow kit instantly reminded me of that happy song “Walking on sunshine”. Any kit with a name like that would grab my attention.
    xxx Peggy

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