Hearts & Smooches Stephanie!

Hey all!

Stephanie here…

Since these Gauche Girls are all sorts of into revealing everything (ha!) they’ve decided our “Open Up” blog hop wasn’t enough – and they want more!
(Geez, almost like a bunch of men. LOL!)

So, here goes:
I’m a city girl turned (grain) farmer’s wife, and moved to a small town in South Western Manitoba in November 2009… all because he’s hot & sexy, and I love it when he’s dirty! 😉
(The things we do for our men… I tell ya…)

What else? Let’s see… I’m called mommy by two spunky little twerps, ages 5 years & 10 months – Blondie (aka Emily) is a rock star in the making, and Flower (aka Lily) is…busy. And they’re both hilarious.

(yes, Blondie’s flipping the bird twice… and yes, Flower has a giant ball of tinfoil, and is wedged under a table between two chairs…)

Oh, and I’m on the Bombshell Stamps DT and LOVE it!
How ‘bout a little bit of Bombshell eye candy?
This year, Valentine’s Day + Bombshell = vintage-style nose art.

Any questions? Ask me here, or stop by El Bloggo for a visit.
Thanks for having me on the team, you sexy GA mommas – looking forward to the near future!

{Hearts & Smooches!}

If you missed our previous introductions:


7 Responses

  1. What a cute bunch you have up there. Like mother like daughter…my word Steph…. : )

  2. Helloooooooooooooo Stephanie!!!

  3. heeheehee, steph! love everything about u!

  4. Love the eye candy, what a cool project Stephanie. Love seeing the kiddos and your man.

  5. And there is Steph, my fellow Canucknucklehead.
    Glad to see ya here

  6. Love you Stephanie 😛 Your kiddiwinkles look like they are just as creative as their Mummy!

  7. […] And there you have it! Your brand-spankin’ new design team at the ready! In case you missed them, here are the other profiles to peruse: Maggi Andrea Erika Kas Yvonne Stephanie […]

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